Friday 30 December 2016

Photos from our Christmas Recital

A few memories from a very special night in Patrickswell Church

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Helping the Homeless

Representatives of Novas Initiatives (McGarry House) were delighted to visit Patrickswell N.S. to collect almost €1000 worth of practical gifts for their clients, many of whom are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The gifts included fleece jackets, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, toiletries and much, much more. The money was raised at our annual Jumble Sale.
Learn more about Novas at:

Christmas Shoebox Appeal: "Team Hope"

... Some of the many Patrickswell N.S. pupils who took part in Team Hope's annual Shoebox Appeal. Over 100 shoeboxes jam-packed with gifts for children suffering hardship in trouble-spots throughout the world were collected from the school just in time for Christmas...

Monday 12 December 2016

Art Competition Winners

A huge "WELL DONE!" to everybody who took part in the 
Patrickswell Cummunity Council Art Competition!
The judges awarded prizes to the following pupils:

Junior Infants: M. Foley, J. Lyne, S. Bulfin
Senior Infants: R. Mohd Ridhaun, H. Hayward, K. Ghanim
1st Class: J. Buston, S. Cahill, A. Elaarag
2nd Class: M. Sultan, S. Kennedy, K. Kennedy
3rd Class: S. Kennedy, A. Sherif, H. Wadood
4th Class: M. Szabla, A.Mohd Ridhaun, S. Lynch-Morata
5th Class: R. Ferguson, M. Daly, W. Harty
6th Class: E. Szabla, A. Faizal, E. Egharevba
Highly Recommended: K. Mc. Grath (J.I.), S. Fitzgerald (S.I.),
S. O Grady, E. O Donnell & J. Benson (1st Class), 
M. Lyne & A. Foley (2nd Class), C. McGrath (3rd Class),
K. Cunningham (4th Class), B. Earls (5th Class),
C. Munnelly (6th Class)

Saturday 10 December 2016

Check out our Christmas Trees at the Hunt Museum!

Check out these "Patrickswell N.S. Christmas trees" which are on display at the Hunt Museum. All the decorations were made from recycled materials by pupils from the school. These trees and all the trees on display at the Crescent Shopping Centre are part of J.P. McManus' fantastic Team Limerick Clean-up project. #tlc

Our VERY FIRST Spelling Test!

They're proud... Mrs Woulfe is proud...

We're all proud of these super-smart spellers. Well done lads!

Making their own history! These Senior Infants 'aced' their fisrt ever spelling test!

Saturday 26 November 2016

School Closure

Reminder: Patrickswell N.S. will be closed onThursday, December 1st.

Speech & Language Workshop

Workshop: A Speech and Language Workshop will take place in Ballybrown Community Centre on Tuesday next (Nov. 29). Places are limited. Pre-registration is advised. 
Theme: Understanding more about Speech & Language and the importance of supporting your child's speech and language development through reading and nursery rhymes. 
More information (and pre-registration): contact Niamh at West Limerick Resources on 087 4477338. 
(A message from: Vicky O Connor [WLR])

Friday 25 November 2016

Kailey's a Winner at the MPPC Art Competition!

Well done Kailey! 
(1) Kailey poses for a photgraph beside her winning entry in the 2016 Credit Union Poster Competition.
(2) Kailey with Cormac Leahy, MPPC Credit Union Manager.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Annual Jumble Sale

☺   Please donate suitable toys, books, CDs, DVDs, bric-a-brac & confectionery for our Annual Jumble Sale (date:WEDNESDAY, Nov 23rd) ☺

Saturday 19 November 2016

Friendship Week 2016

On Friday, at a special Assembly to celebrate Friendship Week, a young pupil said, "Every week should be a Friendship Week!"
And, how right she is! We want to keep the spirit of friendship alive in our school every minute of every day, every week, this year and every year.
Friendship Week coordinator, Mrs Woulfe thanked everybody for the great work they did to make the week a great success.
Running order for the Friendship Assembly in the School Hall:
Ms Noonan's Class (assisted by Miss Foley): 'The Friendship Poem' (and a display of some wonderful artwork by Junior Infants and Senior Infants)
Mrs Woulfe's Class: Song (full class) - 'The More We Get Together,'  Readings of reports entitled, 'My Best Friend' by Oluchi, Annie, Kelly, Lilymae, Jack and Oscar...
Mrs Russell's Class: Song (full class) - 'Gift of a Friend.'  Poems - readings of newly composed poems about friends and friendship by Kyle, Shannan, Ellen, Éabha, Kailey & Ava...
Mr Bulfin: Song (full class)- 'Consider Yourself.' Friendship games (Six 3rd Class pupils describe 6 different games to promote inclusiveness and cooperation)
Mr. Nestor's Class: Friendship poems (5 new poems by five 4th Class pupils). Friendship essays (30 essays by 4th & 5th Class pupils on display in the School Hall)
Mr. O Connor's Class: 'Silent Drama' (Group mimes by 5th & 6th Class pupils, designed to get pupils to guess the friendship mottos in question before the answers are revealed... (clue: one of the mimes involves selotape - a lot of selotape - and the motto might have something to do with 'friends' and 'sticking together' ... !

Friday 4 November 2016

Church Gate Collection for Patrickswell NS

Church Gate Collection for our school tomorrow (Saturday) & Sunday, Nov. 5th & 6th.
All support greatly appreciated! *Patrickswell NS Parents' Association*

Thursday 27 October 2016

Bob-a-Job Fundraiser for Patrickswell N.S.

Patrickswell N.S. Parents' Association Fundraiser
“Bob a Job”
Fancy Dress at school - Friday, 28th October
. Want to wear your fancy dress outfit at school on Friday, 28th Oct? 
Work towards it by doing sponsored jobs at home ... 
then bring the cash to school on Friday, 28th October.
(€2 from each card will be donated to Pieta house as a way of sponsoring Olivia Giltenane
 a local girl who will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in 2017)

(Please return money with card to the School Office on/before Fri., 28th)
🎃Thank you!

Monday 10 October 2016

Patrickswell v Ballybrown !!!

Under 11 Gaelic Football challenge match in Páirc Antóin O Briain, Patrickswell at 1.30 pm on Thursday, Oct. 13th:

Patrickswell NS v Ballybrown NS

The perfect warm-up for the 2016 Senior Hurling County Final!!! 😊

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Girls Gaelic Football Semi Final

*Next Thursday, October 13th at 12.30 pm, Girls Gaelic Football semi final (v St. Brigid's N.S.)
*Venue: Rathbane (Old Christians GAA Club)
Best of luck to Mr. Bulfin and his team!

Monday 12 September 2016

History Book (Patrickswell: 1916 -2016)

F.A.O. Grandparents, Parents, Pupils,
Patrickswell Community Council is compiling a book to commemorate aspects of the history of the Patrickswell area from 1916 to 2016.
Three generations of Patrickswell people are being asked to share their memories of the past and their thoughts on the present.
It is hoped that the book will be published before Christmas. Questionnaires for grandparents, parents and pupils who attended school in Patrickswell have been distributed to some families. However, there may be more families who would like to participate in this very worthwhile project (the bigger the number, the better!). If so, please call to the School Office to collect copies of the questionnaires.
Completed questionnaires to be returned to the school as soon as possible.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Meetings for Parents

Patrickswell N.S.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On Monday evening, September 12th, a number of short meetings for parents will take place in the school. Each meeting will be hosted by a Classroom Teacher. These meetings will provide teachers with an opportunity to 'meet and greet' parents and to outline some of their expectations, plans and systems for the coming year. Resource and Learning Support teachers will also be available to meet parents on Monday evening.
We really hope these meetings will prove to be of benefit to parents, teachers and, ultimately, pupils. We also hope you will be able to attend one (or two) of the meetings concerning your child(ren). To facilitate this, the following timetable will be in operation on Monday evening:

Starting Time     Teacher hosting meeting              (Class/Classes)                  Room
18.30                     Ms Noonan                                 Junior Infants/                  2
                                                                                  Senior Infants

18.30                     Mrs Woulfe                                 Senior Infants/                  8
                                                                                  First Class

18.30                     Mrs Russell                                 Second Class                  1

19.00                     Mr Bulfin                                    Third Class                       3

19.00                     Mr. Nestor                                   Fourth Class/                   6
                                                                                   Fifth Class

19.00                     Mr. O Connor                              Fifth Class/                       7
                                                                                   Sixth Class

Football Fixtures

Gaelic Football Fixtures 
BOYS (Under 13)🏆
Tuesday, September 13th: (Away) Patrickswell N.S. v St. Paul's N.S.
Tuesday, September 20th: (Home) Patrickswell N.S. v St. Patrick's B.N.S.
Tuesday, September 20th: (Home) Patrickswell N.S. v An Mhodscoil
GIRLS (Under 13) 🏆
Wednesday, September 21st: (Home) Patrickswell N.S. v Kildimo N.S.
Wednesday, September 28th: (Away) Patrickswell N.S. v Our Lady Queen of Peace N.S.
BOYS (Under 11) 🏆
Fixtures t.b.c.

Fixtures may be subject to change (for further information, please contact teacher in charge...)

Wednesday 31 August 2016

'BIG' School!

...A photo taken in Ms Noonan's Room earlier today.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Welcome Back Everybody!!!

A new school year begins at 9.20 a.m., Wednesday, August 31st, 2016.
Best wishes to all for a happy year in school!
Work hard!
Have fun!
Give Respect, Get Respect!

Monday 15 August 2016

Vote for Patrickswell !!!

Show your appreciation for Patrickswell Tidy Town's WONDERFUL work!
                                                 Please dont't forget to vote on Thursday!
                                                                         Well Abú

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Blue Tesco Tokens for Patrickswell NS

If you're shopping in Tesco (Crescent Shopping Centre) this summer, please support our school by putting your blue tokens in the box marked "Patrickswell National School."
Thanks, in advance, for your kind support...

Sunday 26 June 2016

School Yearbook Available from School Office

Full-colour production ... Almost 100 pages ... Only €5 ... While stocks last!

Saturday 25 June 2016

Medals and Certificates!

Well done to the members of the Girls & Boys teams who represented the school so well in Plassey at the Limerick Primary Schools Athletics Finals and to our Olo Cup team and our school camogie team...

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Great Joy for Patrickswell Past-Pupils with Ardscoil Rís!

The Harty Cup, Dean Ryan Cup and Rice Cup were among the prestigious hurling trophies won by Ardscoil Rís in 2015/16. We were delighted to see so many of our past pupils involved in Ardscoil's wonderful successes!

Tuesday 14 June 2016

7 Pupils who Played on Limerick City Divisional teams

Patrickswell N.S. pupils who played on the Mackey Cup, Mayor's Cup and Neville Cup teams in 2016. The future is bright for Patrickswell G.A.A. #WellAbú

Monday 13 June 2016

Sponsored Walk

Patrickswell National School

“Sponsored Fun Walk”
                       @ Patrickswell GAA Hurling Pitch

Friday 17th June 2016

All Kids will participate in age appropriate distances on the day.
25 Smyths Voucher will be raffled for all sponsorship cards returned


Child’s name:  __________________ Class: _______________

Sponsorship details (please return money with card on or before Fri 17th June)

     Name                                                              Amount €

1. ____________________________________ _________________

2. ____________________________________ _________________

3. ____________________________________ _________________

4. ____________________________________ _________________

5. ____________________________________ _________________

 Rrefreshments sponsored by John McDermott, McDermott's Gala, Patrickswell

Saturday 11 June 2016

Well done Sam!

Sam, the City Mayor's Cup team vice captain, receives his 2016 Mayor's Cup winner's medal from Deputy City & County Mayor, Gerald Mitchell. In the Mayor's Cup final, Sam's team defeated Milford NS (who defeated Patrickswell NS in the Olo Cup final recently) at the Gaelic Grounds. Sam played very well in the final. A point he scored from an acute angle,while on the run down the left wing, was arguably the score of the day.

St. Patrick's F.C., the local soccer club, had a very successful year. Some club members visited the school this week. It proved to be a hugely popular visit with the pupils who were delighted to see some of the trophies St. Pat's won during the year ... and becuase the visitors brought goodies for everybody in the audience!

Link to St. Patrick's  FC's visit to Patrickswell Community Playschool (June 2016):