Friday 30 December 2016

Photos from our Christmas Recital

A few memories from a very special night in Patrickswell Church

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Helping the Homeless

Representatives of Novas Initiatives (McGarry House) were delighted to visit Patrickswell N.S. to collect almost €1000 worth of practical gifts for their clients, many of whom are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The gifts included fleece jackets, coats, hats, scarves, gloves, toiletries and much, much more. The money was raised at our annual Jumble Sale.
Learn more about Novas at:

Christmas Shoebox Appeal: "Team Hope"

... Some of the many Patrickswell N.S. pupils who took part in Team Hope's annual Shoebox Appeal. Over 100 shoeboxes jam-packed with gifts for children suffering hardship in trouble-spots throughout the world were collected from the school just in time for Christmas...

Monday 12 December 2016

Art Competition Winners

A huge "WELL DONE!" to everybody who took part in the 
Patrickswell Cummunity Council Art Competition!
The judges awarded prizes to the following pupils:

Junior Infants: M. Foley, J. Lyne, S. Bulfin
Senior Infants: R. Mohd Ridhaun, H. Hayward, K. Ghanim
1st Class: J. Buston, S. Cahill, A. Elaarag
2nd Class: M. Sultan, S. Kennedy, K. Kennedy
3rd Class: S. Kennedy, A. Sherif, H. Wadood
4th Class: M. Szabla, A.Mohd Ridhaun, S. Lynch-Morata
5th Class: R. Ferguson, M. Daly, W. Harty
6th Class: E. Szabla, A. Faizal, E. Egharevba
Highly Recommended: K. Mc. Grath (J.I.), S. Fitzgerald (S.I.),
S. O Grady, E. O Donnell & J. Benson (1st Class), 
M. Lyne & A. Foley (2nd Class), C. McGrath (3rd Class),
K. Cunningham (4th Class), B. Earls (5th Class),
C. Munnelly (6th Class)

Saturday 10 December 2016

Check out our Christmas Trees at the Hunt Museum!

Check out these "Patrickswell N.S. Christmas trees" which are on display at the Hunt Museum. All the decorations were made from recycled materials by pupils from the school. These trees and all the trees on display at the Crescent Shopping Centre are part of J.P. McManus' fantastic Team Limerick Clean-up project. #tlc

Our VERY FIRST Spelling Test!

They're proud... Mrs Woulfe is proud...

We're all proud of these super-smart spellers. Well done lads!

Making their own history! These Senior Infants 'aced' their fisrt ever spelling test!