Sunday 21 December 2014

Wonderful build-up to Christmas in Patrickswell N.S.

Thanks to everyone who helped make the build-up to Christmas 2014 so special for each and every pupil in Patrickswell N.S.!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Christmas-Themed Table Quiz for all Pupils from 2nd to 6th

RESULTS of the Christmas-themed Table Quiz... How did your team do?
(P.S. There are a few Christmassy Quiz questions under this image...)

1. What colour are mistletoe berries?
2. Christmas Island is a territory of what country?
3. Three of Santa's reindeer start with 'D' - Dasher, Dancer and ---?
4. What's the Irish for Happy Christmas?
5 A saint made the first Christmas Crib. Which saint?

A. White B. Australia C. Donner D, Nollaig Shona (duit) E. St Francis of Assisi

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Customised 2015 Calendars from Patrickswell N.S.

Laminated A4 full-colour calendar: only €2.50!!! Ideal Christmas gift... Perfect for the fridge door ...Useful throughout 2015... 
Photo(s) can be supplied from home - or taken at school -
Any message you choose can be included...
order yours now!

Sunday 14 December 2014

A Great Night in Patrickswell!

'Standing room only' in Patrickswell Church! Thanks for coming everybody! 
And thanks to Carmel Kirby for the photographs.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Jumble Sale 2014

...More photos from the Jumble Sale

Tuesday 2 December 2014