Tuesday 27 May 2014

Under 11 A Champions ... Again! (Report and Pictures)

2014 City Division Under 11 A Hurling Final

Patrickswell N.S. 4-4
St. Nessan's N.S. 2-4
As the supporters of both Patrickswell N.S. and St. Nessan’s N.S. left the Gaelic Grounds at midday today everyone was in agreement that they had witnessed an epic final between two well-matched and skilful teams.
For Patrickswell the victory was an historic retention of the trophy they won against all odds last year. What did they do to remain undefeated throughout
their six-match campaign? They worked hard, battled, backed each other up at all times and never gave in, even when things did not go their way. The u-11s motto for the year was: ‘You get from the match what you put into it’ - and, after the final today they definitely got what they deserved- the trophy!
With their fantastic 2nd class goalkeeper Liam Fitzgerald blocking bullets all season, the defence held firm even though they were under savage pressure. Led in the central positions by Jake Carey and Patrick Kiely these men were not going to let the opposition through easily.
The two corner backs: Jack Mcnamara, who some wondered if he was only a warm weather player(!) and Séan Fitzgerald shadowed their men at all times. In the wing back positions, Kevin Kiely and Cian Gorman attacked when they had the
chance but never forgot their defensive duties.
Midfield was manned admirably by Jamie Byrnes and the ‘Player of the Match’ John Kirby, who has chipped in with vital scores in every game from midfield. These two players delivered a great supply of ball into the forwards where Jack Gorman and Eoin Harmon were to the fore in every game and took their chances when they arose. Jack and Eoin were ably assisted in the forwards by another 2nd class boy, Billy Earls, Eoghan Duffy, James Fitzgerald and Adam McNamara who worked tirelessly  to keep the ball in the attacking third of the field.
Special praise must go to the players that didn’t start the final but played vital roles in getting Patrickswell to the final and therefore in winning the Championship- Willie Harty, Kyle Lynch, Dean Kennedy, Christy Carroll and Sam McNamara- without these lads the trophy would not have come back to ‘The Well’. 
The management team of Mr Bulfin and Gary Kirby could have not have asked for more effort from the players. They gave 100% in every game and the mentors have huge pride in the whole panel!! Well done lads!! 
Tobar Phádraig Abú!

Past Pupils Making the News!

We were delighted to hear recently that Morgan Higgins was named Second Year Student of the Year in St. Clement's College ... and that Patricia Bennis was named First Year Student of the Year in Coláiste Chiaráin. We also heard that Barry Carey stole the show at the 6th Year Graduation Ceremony in St. Clement's College with his excellent solo singing (and guitar-paying). Well done lads - we're all proud of you!
We'd love to hear more good news stories, like the ones above: have you got one for us?

Monday 26 May 2014

Under 11 Hurling Final: 11 a.m., Gaelic Grounds, May 27 (Tuesday)

At 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, Patrickswell N.S will take on St. Nessan's N.S. in the Gaelic Grounds in the City Under 11 A Hurling Final.
Patrickswell are the current holders of the title.To reach this year's final, the Well defeated Monaleen N.S.in the semi final thanks to the goal-scoring feats of Eoghan Duffy and John Kirby. (Let's hope for more of the same tomorrow!)

Friday 23 May 2014

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Award for Excellence in Global Awareness

Patrickswell pupils with Limerick hurler Kevin Downes at the Limertree Theatre, where they received a prestigious award from Irish Aid (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) for Excellence in Global Awareness.Their winning project is on display in the school.

Monday 19 May 2014

Olo Cup semi final report

Patrickswell 2-4 (10) Milford 4-3 (15)

Having contested the last 3 under 11 finals, Milford came into this match with a very strong panel with the majority of their boys in 6th class. The Well boys gave their all but it just wasn't to be their day. Martin Murray, Jake Carey+Cian Enright were excellent in our defence while Cian Gorman&Eoin Harmon worked tirelessly in midfield. John Kirby, Jamie Byrnes and Niall Kerins did well up front while Cian Fitzgerald undoubtedly gave a man of the match performance from half forward.

With 8 under 11s on our starting team, it was a great performance from such a young side.


Wednesday 14 May 2014

Postponed: Olo Cup semi-final...

Tomorrow's Olo Cup semi-final (Patrickswell NS v Milford NS) has been postponed. It will be played on Monday next (May 19th) instead.Time and venue will be confirmed tomorrow.

Plassey 2014

Patrickswell NS was represented by 51 athletes at this year's Limerick Primary Schools Athletics finals which took place as usual in Plassey, U.L. On a cold damp day, there was plenty to warm the hearts of parents, pupils and teachers alike as the girls team, in particular, turned in one superb performance after another and won ten of the 12 races they entered. It was no surprise when they were declared champions of their division at the closing ceremony. The trophy was presented to representatives of the girls team by Eileen Stapleton of the organising committee.
The boys team finished second in their division.

School News: Mid May 2014...

We're just getting over the excitement of last Saturday's First Holy Communion (and what a great day it was!) and one thing's for sure - the school year didn't end in Patrickswell Church last Saturday. There's no let-up in terms of interesting and exciting things for pupils to do and look forward to over the coming weeks.

  • Follow Patrickswell N.S. on Twitter - @patrickswellns

* A super project about making a better future for all the world's children by 4 Fifth Class pupils has won a regional award and is now shortlisted for an Irish Aid National Award. The pupils will be presented with a plaque at a prize-giving ceremony in the Lime tree Theatre next Wednesday, where they will also learn if their project has been selected for further honours.   *The school's  Under 11 and Under 13 hurling teams will both contest the City semi-finals this week. Both are reigning City 'A' champions. Neither have been beaten for over a year! (check out our Tweet Archive/Twitter for further details.   *3 boys won coveted Mackey Cup medals (County Championship for inter-divisional primary schools hurling) with the victorious Limerick City team this week - Cian Enright, Patrick Kirby and Cian Fitzgerald. {Well done lads! You have joined a very select group of people from Patrickswell who have won one of these coveted medals (there are men in the Parish with 'All-Star' awards who wll be jealous of you now!!!)}. Well done also to Mr. O Connor, a key member of the City team's management team.   *48 pupils will represent the school in the Limerick Primary Schools Athletics Finals at Plassey (University of Limerick) today. It's a great occasion - and always a very memorable occasion for the 1,500 pupils (or so) from schools all over Limerick who qualify for the 'Olympics' of Limerick Primary Schools athletics!   *There are lots of interesting nature projects going on in the school at the moment. Nesting boxes (& 'regular' nests) housing our feathered friends and their young are filling us with wonder and awe (from  a safe distance, of course), a wildflower bed is under construction as part of our effort to secure a Green Flag for bio-diversity; beanstalks are being grown by the boys and girls in Ms Noonan's room, and 'incredible edibles' are being grown by older pupils.   *Literacy and Numeracy testing of pupils in classes from 1st to 6th will take place soon. Standardised Tests (Sigma T, Micra T and Drumcondra Tests) will be used. Screening tests (such as the MIST test) will be used with younger pupils.   *Other events/activities/projects in the pipeline, which we hope we will be able to complete before the Summer Holidays, include: School Tours, a short film made by senior pupils, Sport for All Day, Annual School Magazine, 6th Class Graduation Mass, Fundraising Walk, Nature & History Walks, 6th Class v Teachers Soccer Match   *and lots, lots more!
Sheila's new bus - well wear!

Irish Aid Project winners

Patrickswell's Mackey Cup winners

Saturday 10 May 2014

First Holy Communion Scrapbook


 May 10th 2014.           First Holy Communion.            Patrickswell.           Well done everybody!