Monday 28 April 2014

Lots to write about after the Easter Holidays!

The girls in First Class got straight down to business today, after the Easter Holidays. They wrote (very neatly AND in great detail) about all the things they did during the holidays.

Mrs Philly's Cherry Blossom

The cherry bossom planted last spring in honour of our late great colleague and friend, Mrs. Phil O Brien (ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dílis) is in full bloom and looking lovely this spring.

Update re 2014 Great Limerick Run

If your child is taking part in this year's Great Limerick Run, please enter the name "S.N. Tobar Phádraig" (the Irish version of Patrickswell N.S.) in the "School" section of the Entry Form, as this will generate some much-needed funds for our school.
For further information, please click on the following link:

Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Great Limerick Run

The U.L. Sports Kids Run takes place in U.L. (part of the Barringtons Hospital Great Limerick Run) on May 3rd. There are events for primary school pupils of all ages - from Junior Infants to 6th Class. Great preparation for "Plassey" - why not register now! All the details are here:

The cost of entry is €12 per child. €5 of each entry fee will be donated to the participant's primary school. It is important that during registration the child's primary school name is entered into the registration form, in order for the primary school to receive their donation.

All details:

Thursday 10 April 2014

Recent School News (April 10th)

Table Toppers
The final of the 2014 Table Toppers competition will take place in the School Hall tomorrow (Friday, April 11th). Each class will be represented by 3 pupils. Expect fast answers, rapturous applause, lots of loud music - and a big improvement in mental maths and computation for everyone!
Confirmation DVD
The Confirmation DVD, filmed by Jim Liston, NCW, is available from the School Office at a cost of €20 per copy.
Colours Day
'Colours Day' tomorrow (Friday, April 11th) - donation: €2
Under 11 Hurling
The Under 11 hurlers followed up last week's victory over Mungret with a draw against Scoil Chriost Rí in Caherdavin earlier this week. Patrickswell now have an excellent chance of qualifying for the semi-finals of the City Under 11 A competition.
Under 13 Hurling
Its a similar atory with the Under 13s in the Olo Cup. The boys had a 2-8 to 1-4 win over St Paul's NS today and look destined to make it into the semi-finals. Today's scorers: P.Kirby 1-5, C. Fitzgerald 1-2, N McGrath 0-1.
Annual Primary Schools Athletics finals will take place in Plassey on May 14th.

Monday 7 April 2014

First Olo Cup Match of the Year

Patrickswell N.S. begin their defence of the Olo Cup, won in such exciting fashion last summer, when they travel to Monaleen tomorrow (Tuesday, April 8th) to take on Monaleen NS at 2.00 pm. Please support the lads, if you can!

Planting seeds in Ms Noonan's Class

From little acorns mighty oak trees grow... so the wise old saying goes... 
Here we see Junior and Senior Infants getting ready to plant some runner beans. Hopefully, they're not magic beans that will grow tall and fast and burst a hole through the roof of the school tonight while everybody's asleep!

Friday 4 April 2014

Confirmation 2014 photos

Confirmation 2014
Our thanks to Bishop Brendan Leahy and everyboby who helped make yesterday's Confirmation ceremony so memorable for all concerned. A special word of thanks to Mrs Russell and the school choir and musicians for their fantastic contribution to the celebration. And, finally, congratulations to the 40 boys and girls who prepared so diligenty for the Sacrament and who showed great reverence - and wonder and awe in God's presence - in the Church of the Blessed Virgin yesterday.

A Special Message
Bishop Leahy reminded everyone that, "The Spirit sends each of us out to give good news to the poor." As the pupils in Patrickswell NS know, there are many kinds of poverty: poverty caused by a lack of money is one kind but poverty in people's spirits and hearts is another kind that can also lead to abject misery and suffering for millions of our fellow human beings. 

Here's a link to a short movie entitled "What is Poverty?" made by Patrickswell NS pupils a few years ago:

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Confirmation at 10.30 a.m. in Patrickswell, Thursday, April 3rd

Pupils in 5th & 6th Class will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Church of the Blessed Virgin, Patrickswell on April 3rd. It will be Bishop Leahy's first official visit to the Parish. Everybody in the school is looking forward to giving the new bishop a big, warm, friendly welcome on this very special day for the candidates for Confirmation - and the Parish. 
In preparation for the Big Day, teachers Mr. Bulfin and Mr. O Connor and Musical Director, Mrs Russell have done fantastic work with the pupils which will undoubtedly add greatly to Thursday's celebration.

2014 Table Toppers!

The 'Table Toppers Grand Final-2014' is just over a week away and all the eggs are in one basket (or on 2 shelves in this case!!). Get practising those

Schools FAI 5-a-side Soccer Tournament

8 boys from 6th class travelled to Sean Choill all-weather facility in
Corbally for the annual FAI 5-a-side soccer competition. Played in lovely
dry conditions, a great day was had by all and our boys acquitted
themselves well.

Match 1: Lost to a very strong Castleconnell side (who went on to win the
group) but learned a lot. Cian Fitz got our only goal and a fine
performance from Connor Chu on the wing.

Match 2: Drew 3-3 with Scoil Mháthair Dé in a very entertaining game.
Adrian Naughton, Cian Fitz and Martin Murray with the goals. Gavin
McAllister did well in defence.

Match 3: Lost a very open game to Murroe but excellent performances from
Mike Harty in defence,Yousef AlZabn on the wing (who also scored)+ a super
individual goal from Cian Enright.

Many thanks to Yousef's dad for driving + being a stand in goalie for a fun
game at the end!!!

Part 3 of the Project for Irish Aid

A hard copy of this fine project by Jason, Edna, Janine and  Oyinkan (all 5th Class) will be presented to Bishop Leahy tomorrow, as one of the Offertory gifts at the Confirmation Ceremony.