Wednesday 18 December 2013

Going to the Movies!

As a special treat for all their hard work since August 30th, pupils are being brought to the movies (at the Omniplex) on Thursday (December 19th). The movie they will see is the animated adventure/comedy, "Frozen."
Notes: pupils may bring a few suitable treats to eat and drink (they will not be allowed to spend any money at the cinema). School tracksuits OR school uniforms may be worn for this trip. Pupils will be back at school before the regular closing time.

Pupils to provide music, carols - & more - at Mass on Friday at 11.00 a.m.

Thanks to Fr. Mike Cussen for rearranging Mass on Friday morning (December 20th) so that pupils can sing carols, play music and perform a short Nativity play, during the Mass and immediately afterwards.. Note: Mass on Friday will start at 11.00 a.m.. Spread the word....

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Link to Watch Patrickswell Pupils on the RTE News

This is a link to the news item filmed at Mary Immaculate College of Education featuring some pupils from 5th and 6th Classes (the report starts @ 3 mins 30 seconds into the programme)

Christmas News Update

Further to Thursday's group text message from the school, please note that we have been reliably informed that some of our pupils will feature on News2Day on RTE 2 at 4 pm on Monday, Dec 9th (not Dec. 5th, as we stated in the group text message). Be sure to tune in - it's a very interesting feature!

Christmas Notes:

Pupils will sing Christmas carols at a special Mass in the Church of the Blessed Virgin, Patrickswell on Friday, Dec. 20th (starting at 11.00 a.m.). The Junior Infants and some of their friends will also perform a short Nativity Play during this Mass. All parents and friends are welcome to attend...

Our annual school trip to the cinema will take place on December 19th. The cost of this trip (bus fare + cinema ticket) has yet to be agreed with the service providers. The film we will be watching is, "Frozen."

Please note: some families have not yet paid the Maintenance Fund for 2013/14 (the fee can be paid in 2 instalments).