Monday 30 September 2013

Important Information about the Clas Size Campaign

The following link will take you to a section of the INTO (Irish National Teachers' Organisation) website where you will find lots of campaign material and information about what you can do to protect your children AND primary school education. There is also an interesting video there, for you to view...
The link is:

School Quiz Team at Aughinish Alumina Quiz

John, Martyna and Sean represented Patrickswell N.S. with distinction at the Aughinish Alumina Table Quiz for Schools, last week. The company celebrates its 30th year in Ireland, this year.

Learning is FUN!

Miss Noonan's pupils at work and at play during the month of September, 2013. Tús maith, leath na hoibre!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Class Size Campaign

The government proposes to increase the pupil-teacher ratio in next month's budget. Even a small increase would have a major detrimental impact on the educational provision for pupils in primary schools throughout the country. Parents and teachers are now actively campaigning against this cynical government measure to spend less on children's primary school education. There have been far too many cuts in the area of education already--cuts to Resource Teacher provision, S.N.A. provision and essential capitation and maintenance grants, are just a few examples.

All parents and teachers are urged to sign the recently-distributed INTO postcard (the one with the photo of schoolchildren on the front bearing the message, "Don't Make Children Pay." Signed postcards may be handed in at the school or posted to a local T.D. or the Minister for Education/ Finance (extra cards are available from the School Office).  Lobbying T.D.s and sending e-mails and/or letters to T.D.s stating that you oppose the idea of increasing the pupil-teacher ratio really would help bolster this campaign. 
This is a very serious issue which will cause schools like ours to lose one, or more, teacher(s) with almost immediate effect. Nationwide, increasing the pupil-teacher ratio will mean a huge increase in the number classes with more than 30 pupils. It will also cause a huge increase in the number of classes with 2, 3 or even 4 grades being taught in the same classroom. Pupils with special needs will suffer most.
Please do what you can to inform others about this issue. Please make your opposition to it known. There isn't much time -- the Budget will be delivered on October 15. The time to act is NOW.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Parent-Teacher Meetings

Reminder: P/T Meetings take place tonight. Starting time: 6.30 pm. Each teacher will host a meeting in his/her own classroom. You are welcome to attend the meeting relevant to any one of your children attending the school but we recommend that you attend the meeting relevant to your youngest child.  Hope to see you there.

Friday 6 September 2013

School Closures during 2013/14

Patrickswell N.S. will be closed on the following dates:

October 4th
October 28 to November 1st, inclusive
November 25th
December 23rd to January 3rd, inclusive
January 27th
February 20th & 21st
March 14th & 17th
April 14th to April 25th, inclusive
May 5th
June 2nd & 3rd
Summer holidays will begin on June 30th

Monday 2 September 2013

Miss Noonan's Class, September 2013

The boys and girls in Miss Noonan's class were happy to pose for this photo earlier this morning, just minutes after they had their photo taken for next weekend's West Limerick Observer Newspaper. We wish them a very happy year in school in 2013/14.