Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas!

Nollaig shona daoibh go léir.  Seasons greetings to one and all!

Friday 14 December 2012

Green Flag Poster & Writing Competition

The following winners were announced today:

Poster Competition
SENIORS: Sophie, Jack & Jermaima
FIRST: Chelsea & Ella
SECOND: Caragh & Kevin
THIRD: Temi & Emmanuella
FOURTH: Anastasija & Edna
FIFTH: Ciara & Aisling
SIXTH: Sarah & Aisling

Winners: 5th Class Boys and Leah (6th)

Overall winners to be announced early next week.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Cinema Treat!

For the past few years, a trip to the cinema has been organised for the pupils during the week leading up to the Christmas Holidays. This is a nice treat for pupils who have been working hard performing in Nativity Plays and preparing for Christmas Tests, and so forth.
The cost of the trip is €10 (including bus fees). The trip will take place during school hours. The date for this much anticipated event is: December 19th (Wednesday next). The film we will be going to see is, “Rise of the Guardians”. This is an animated movie with a Christmas theme.  (This is a private showing of the movie for Patrickswell NS pupils only)..

Please let us know if your son/daughter will be attending the show, by completing the bottom portion of this note and returning it to the Class Teacher. (Please return this form a.s.a.p. Payment of the €10 may be made at any time between now and next Wednesday).


_____________________ (name of pupil) will be going on the school trip to the cinema.
_____________________ (name of pupil) will not be going on the school trip to the cinema.

Signed ________________ (Parent/Guardian)

Friday 7 December 2012

Please note that the water supply to the school will be cut off for five hours on Monday, December 10th. This is due to waterworks corrections being carried out by Limerick County Council in the area. The school will close at 1.00 p.m. on this date.